SNAPOUT is the product I conceived and designed while completing the General Assembly User Experience Design Course. I also continued to explore this concept in a Product Management bootcamp. General Assembly Denver featured me and my project in one of their recent email newsletters.

This project incorporated many elements of the design and product management processes up to the point of implementation: user interviews and synthesizing research, personas, competitive research, sketching, wireframing, card sorting, prototyping, and (an often overlooked but critical skill) presentation. The whole project was iterative as I changed and refined the design throughout the course by continuously engaging potential users, and  eliciting feedback from my “team” of fellow students.

Check out the link at the bottom of the page to view the entire presentation.


With SNAPOUT, logging your workouts digitally is a SNAP!

The Problem

Tracking your workouts with your phone in the gym is a pain.

Serious fitness enthusiasts log their workouts predominately using pen & paper, which means they cannot easily take advantage of digital features, such as progress charts and social sharing.

The Gap

Users are either forced to log directly in an app (instead of their preferred choice, pen & paper), transcribe their workouts into a spreadsheet, or leverage existing technologies in ways it was never intended to work.

The Solution

Current solutions force the user to adapt, but SNAPOUT lets users write their logs by hand and use their smartphone camera to capture their completed log digitally.

Personas and User Information

Persona with Comparable Attributes

Persona with Comparable Attributes

UXD5 Final.011

Product Management

UXD5 Final.012

Feature Prioritization and MVP

SNAPOUT Business Model Canvas

SNAPOUT Business Model Canvas

High-Fidelity Screens


Project Presentation